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Dartmoor Zoo welcomes THREE new bird species!

We’re delighted to welcome THREE new bird species to Dartmoor Zoo!

Our first new arrival is a critically endangered Bali myna, also known as a Bali starling, one of the rarest species of bird on the planet.

Found in the tropical forests of Bali, their pure white plumage and blue streak across the eye has made them irresistible to collectors and due to the illegal bird trade, they’re unfortunately incredibly close to becoming extinct in the wild.

We will be working to help safeguard these stunning birds as part of the European Breeding Programme.

Our second new arrivals – a flock of Java sparrows!

The Java sparrow, also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, is a species of finch native to Java and Bali in Indonesia.

They’re highly social and forage in groups in growing vegetation for rice, grass seeds, and small insects.

Listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List, this species has been introduced to other parts of the world, including Hawaii, but is threatened in its native range due to habitat loss and trapping for the illegal pet trade. As a result, their numbers are sadly plummeting.

Finally, two Luzon bleeding-heart doves have been welcomed to the Zoo.

With a distinct red ‘heart’ in the centre of their chest, this bird got its unusual name from the splash of vivid red on their white breasts, which resembles a bleeding wound.

Listed as near threatened on the IUCN Red List, the population of this species has been shrinking in recent years due to habitat loss, as well as hunting and trapping for the pet trade.

Guests may be able to hear the doves calling periodically, making ‘cooing’ noises to stay in contact with each other while they forage for berries, seeds, and grubs to eat.

Come and see these beautiful birds in person! You can spot our new arrivals in our Bird Aviary.


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